Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Pot of Beans...

Some forty-five-or-so years ago, two friends of my parents got married. She was of Spanish ancestry, he was of Mexican. She wanted to learn how to make the Mexican dishes her husband grew up with, so she asked her mother-in-law to teach her. My mother went with her for some of the lessons. She's been making pots of beans ever since, and I grew up on a diet that included frequent servings of tacos and tostadas, enchiladas and taquitos, rice and beans. I just got finished making a pot of beans this morning...we cooked 'em yesterday, I mashed and seasoned them a few minutes ago. And for the first time ever, I actually measured everything. Shock, gasp! Lol. If been making them for over twenty years and have always just eyeballed the quantities. "Yup, that looks about right." Anyway...

"Mock" Frijoles Refritos
6 cups dry pinto beans
Plenty of water, to cover
1 large sprig of epazote (optional)
1 15-ounce can tomato sauce
4 teaspoons sugar, or to taste
1 tablespoon sea salt, or to taste
1 tablespoon onion powder, or to taste
1 tablespoon garlic powder, or to taste

Soak the beans in a large crockpot overnight, with plenty of water, and cover. (I fill the crockpot almost to the lid, and while you can use a big pot on the stove, that requires a lot more watching...this is almost start-it-and-forget-about-it easy). In the morning, add the epazote (if using) and turn your crockpot to high and begin cooking. Stir occasionally and add additional water, if needed. By mid-afternoon, the beans should be soft enough to mash.

When they are tender, remove the epazote and drain in a colander. Transfer the beans back to the crockpot and mash thoroughly. Add the tomato sauce, sugar and salt, onion and garlic powders. Stir to mix completely. Taste for seasoning and adjust, if needed. Quantities are subjective, based on your tastes. Reheat and cook for 30-60 minutes, to give flavors time to blend. Serve. Makes a very large batch. They do freeze well.

Notes: If you forget to soak the beans the night before, simply place them in the crockpot and add the same quantity of boiling water. They should still finish about the same time. The quantity of beans can be reduced to 4 cups. Just adjust the seasonings accordingly. Nor is it absolutely necessary to cook the beans afterward. They can be eaten right away, if desired. A purist can used minced garlic and onions, instead of the powdered. We've done it before. We just happen to prefer the texture using the powdered.


  1. Its one of those weird can't taste any sweetness from that amount of sugar (4 tsps to 6 cups dry beans is a smidge), but you taste its absence. It somehow adds depth to the other flavors. And there is a reason why almost everything gets the disclaimer "or to taste"
