Friday, February 20, 2009

A BUSY Weekend!...

We've been very busy of late, and it suddenly dawned on me a couple of days ago that the deadline to enter Season 3 of the Ultimate Recipe Showdown is a week from Saturday(the 28th), the last chance to enter the Taste of Home contest is the next day, March 1st, while the Pillsbury Bake-Off is still out there in April. And I haven't submitted a single entry to any of them yet...

So...I sat down today and went through scores of recipes I've made over the years and compiled a selection of about thirty recipes and ideas that might work as entries. Then I set out all the potential categories for the three contests I mentioned, and my wife and I started finding homes for some recipes and ideas, setting others aside for the future, and shuffled a few around. All-in-all, we selected about fifteen recipes for the contests. Thankfully, a few exist in a sufficiently finished form I shouldn't have to cook 'em in the next week to submit them. The majority just require some tweakage and a final preparation and rewrite, and there are only a couple that are existing only in my brain right now.

The Pillsbury entries don't need to be done this week...we've got almost two months still. The rest are going to keep my time off extremely busy. Matter of fact, I've got something in the oven right now. 'Course, its a Pillsbury entry(LOL)- that's where it ended up getting shuffled off to tonight, after I got everything going on it earlier. If it comes out as good as last time, and is consistent, it'll be ready for submission. One less thing to be concerned about.

Gotta' run...busybusybusy.


  1. came out just like last time. Yum. Just need to type this one up, I guess...after the first two contests are handled.

  2. It is beyond is reaching into the 'Superlative' stage, actually... and I somehow doubt there will be any left before you work on Monday! *laughing*
